Products name:
1A1 Resin Diamond Grinding Wheel
Products description:
Resin bond diamond grinding wheel is composed of diamond layer and aluminum matrix. The diamond layer contains mixed powder of diamond powder, resin powder and metal powder, as well as resin binder pressed filler. When the aluminum substrates are combined, the outer circle, inner circle, and plane of the hard alloy and other workpieces are roughed, semi-finished, and finely ground with diamond grinding wheels during high-speed operation.
1A1 125*10*32*10 D300#
·Selection of high-quality artificial diamond powder and imported raw materials.
·Good self-sharpness, high grinding efficiency and long working life.
·The grinding wheel has a certain elasticity, which is conducive to improving the roughness of the surface of the working layer.
·Shorter production cycle time; higher removal rate, easily to make complex wheels.
Tungsten steel grinding wheel is recommended to use diamond resin grinding wheel
(model, grinding purpose, specification)